
رقم الهاتف

البريد الإلكتروني

Bank Account Opening

Bank Account Opening

Our team opens your bank account according to your needs, after completing the registration procedures at the university.

Opening a bank account is an essential step for any international student studying in Turkey. It allows you to manage your finances easily, receive funds from home, and pay for your everyday expenses. At Arkid Turkey, we simplify the Bank Account Opening process, ensuring that you have access to reliable banking services from the moment you arrive.

Guided Bank Selection

Choosing the right bank can be daunting, especially in a new country. Our team provides personalized guidance to help you select a bank that meets your needs, whether you’re looking for specific services, low fees, or convenient locations. We ensure that your banking experience in Turkey is smooth and straightforward.

Document Preparation

We assist you in preparing all the necessary documents required to open a bank account in Turkey. This includes your passport, residency permit, and any other documentation needed by the bank. We ensure that everything is in order to avoid any delays or complications during the account opening process.

Easy Setup

Simplified steps for quick account opening.

Trusted Banks

Access to reliable and student-friendly banking.

In-Person Assistance

Our service doesn’t stop at document preparation. We accompany you to the bank, providing in-person support to ensure that the account opening process is completed smoothly. We help you navigate any language barriers and ensure that you understand the terms and conditions of your new account.

Ongoing Financial Support

Once your account is open, we continue to offer support. Whether you need help setting up online banking, understanding bank fees, or managing your finances, Arkid Turkey is here to assist you. We make sure that you have the tools and knowledge you need to manage your finances effectively during your time in Turkey.

طلب إعادة الاتصال

هل سبق لك أن وجدت نفسك تحدق في شاشة الكمبيوتر الخاص بك وتبادر إلى ذهنك شعار استشاري جيد؟ في كثير من الأحيان.
